

Stacked Rhyme0


“I have absorbed, dear God, and transmuted

everything you have given me,

even the ability to do it.”


   A Gallery at 77


Adagio sostenuto.  “I cannot hear the pain!”  Andràs, D. Dubal

Both find it there; the whole world finds it there; I partially deaf


Experience simply beauty, stutter in my hearing throat a shudder

As I scan the Purgatorio, Tara’s drawings just beyond a spindled


Disc. A quiet agony?  Soulful decubitus?  Tic douloureux?  Mad

Fit of wondrous continence?   “I cannot hear the pain!” Event?


We skim the final movement. This poet’s mute.  No visual truck

Or trick to ease the passage beyond the very dazzle real as any I


Ever assailed to mastery.  106 remains a stubborn mystery.  10

Thousands hooked, mesh of jagged labyrinth, a ghastly burden.


Even a suppliance at the polished boots of Warden cannot jerk

Or treble cosmic boardroom. Am trapped in “gorgeous, APT!”



Hectic dialectic: a Gott is torn and healed upon this rack. Heaves

Father Mother Son. Each thrust addresses, spurns the other. An


Ache scream spew. Such God is you: tangled umbilicus, radiant

Cord, spittle, clot, persistence scrofula of birth unending, whine


Wine, attack. Each cyst insists. Slash ordains. Gordius wails this

Knot.  All Gott is caught, all path taken, an aching wakening, id


On earth. No dearth of birth. Triptych of stare eyes fickle Eden.

Our Eden’s eaten. But sprouts the center. Such flouts immortal


Cantor. We lick unleavened. All Church-lurch-synagogue-temple

Tempi’s frozen.  Decubiti in Stalin’s flank are frankly chosenOdd


Syllables retract; this swan is on its back and Leda tickles. Thrust

Fahne under. All sickly’s sickled by the Kochs & gilt’s a wunder! 



Creation begets; Preservation endures; Transformation remits; all

Restores: generative cough of a cosmic whore?  Thesis invents;


Antithesis preserves; synthesis transforms; all informs: ‘tis primal

Gesture [fester, cluster, Ester, Schwester]. Rather the dance of carnal


Motion, such the potion, cold devotion, such her rapture, verse or

Chapter? To breathe: & summon Pollux, Castor, eye each wrinkle oddly


 Cast there?  Jesu imbibed his cup of blood, asked his Maker was or

Would? Coming nails to eat his hands an opted plan, forsaken, man’s?


A God’s demand? Virgin mother, dangling fetus, Church’s fell search for

What defeats us, wrought salvation cruel and hard. Eye the chapel


Burn the bard. Father, Mother even Son, Godly shun; a Hegel’s faking.

Priestly catch needs subtle baking: lick the lesson, baste the aching.



So many inattentive light-years racked with pain. Bodhisattva smiles?

Place of eternal bruise this being we name Earth! Here is all birth!


Dialectic swoons at Gott’s deception, that wakening to an ache is

Godlike seeing. The trinal rack is what one makes of evolution, is


Beatific path of endless solution, weeping the calmest center. We

Sense his bent there, wicked Christ. Here! Precisely here is carnal


Summons. Suffer all children come unto Thee. Sweet endearing font

Of poetry! The movers of his vision simply muse manure, glazed


Ceiling.  ‘D have us wound the summit. Feed even the crippled sportive

Stasis, Godless enrichment, stench the basis. Koch cooks an amp,


An imp, ‘D lick the platter. Blond mane is sane no matter. We reel

With obscene chatter. We siphon all Deity unto bruise.  Such use!



What focus could thwart the very horror of incarnate ingestion?

Whose mantis-like suggestion? Impeccable matron stoop to devour


Her fetus? Such notion feeds us? How sad the sonnet of gnashing

Teeth!  Where dwells a soul that fails to seethe?  3 spirals lock us


 In a God-some belief. Such is the hectic, dialectic.  Such is attack.

Such is the rack. Tender to take it back. Primordial fact. Look aside


The image lingers on the eyes. Immaculata spreads her thighs? Or

Conjures a role for wayward metaphysics.  Reduced to excreta modern


Physics? Cloud bursts and rain descends more vacant than pebbles

On a deaf man’s roof.  Ludwig’s aloof.  Opus was 106.  Über his


Paramount tricks.  Conjure a mad impairment.  Such has the stare

Meant. Mad vivisection. Godly dissection. Painless defection. AUM!



Rodin, captive to the center, made bruise the texture of his vast

Life. To stroke an aging breast, one must live a wife, or find all


Being in the given strife.  To milk a cow, one cheers as well his

Steer.  In the pasture of disaster bloom the very blades to bend,


A confession Essen, a well of drunken thirst. AUM is clarity of

Water first. “Grant us the wisdom, Lord, to choose what must


Exist.” There are countless smiles of the same twist. Breath Of

Blossom, nectar’s awesome. AUM is a gift without an audible


Sound to its leader in 106. Gift is the rift that heals all division.

Graft of revision, yard of the curtain, passive but certain, oddly


Diversion fused to the given fact, roar without tact, shout seldom

Sought, bartered, or bought, canceled or caught: IS without Not.



Merisi spares no hook; ensnares us. Finger penetrates all flesh as

Son guides wrist, intent in lowered glance toward Thomas in the


Very clutch.  A pale of chest accentuates carnal obscenity of act

As if nipple itself seems ravished by intrusion.  Disciple rakes or


Rapes Messiah’s chest? This Gott were misstep crept from Hell!

Delineates each crease and fold emergent from damnation. Two


Witness pair’s mutual desecration, 3 hands, a carnal feast of rapt

Apt proclamation. Come Tom, impeach your being in my breast


That 20,000 years can assert this spot of ugly wonder. That death

Of Mine holy infernal blunder?  Have innards even absent from a


Soul?  Let none impeach the title, chapter, “Three days to molder,

Stink, ascend.” Gott calls me Hence!  To Fit of flesh?  Contend!



No large portion of this face would scare the devil into Church.

And yet it oddly competes with his debut study at the base of a


Crucifixion.  Nor derives its manner of mortal solace from teeth

Protruding buttocks in one openly wounded stare.  Some welt of


Sustenance is there.  Eyes mimic mouth, which has sucked on all

Odd moral, moribund cosmic teat.  Face itself is battered by the


Chiaroscuro light that’d have the bard of roadkill naked all or no

Man to endure. Fantasy regards beaded rose saliva’s dribble from


Weak chin, a trace of jowls, bagged EYE, mute howls, imbibing

Our certain death furtive in fashion, a guileless stink in a lineless


Focus of eye’s mate. No chance that one’s irate. All quarrels were

Among a captive crowd our Francis raked. Gott had them quake?



A strange and malleable Good Friday here with Dante and Blake

To assess my sins of Omission, a greater gap than my contrition,


Neither untold wild or meek or mild but lesser cause-effect than

This cosmic CEO enduring pain so direct it purses pinch of lips,


And lands him in a hellish bracket, earn a to Inferno, gaps two

Incisors, swollen tongue parched glance, CA drouth perchance,


Orbs ohne iris, glistened nose, flush meaty visage, a mealy mirage

Cooked to serve an inner speak [Truly blessed are the meek], from


Closure to foreclosure stock to debit datum sheet, all merde the

Market in retreat, a spell of doubt, a knell of doom, from cubicle


To corporate corset this damnèd broker without salve to soften

Taxes halve God’s wounds, sniff boardrooms, fright the faxes.



At 2 AM I woke from listening gently to a friend who severed ties

Years back. Ron phrased me of the death of his beloved wife. Her


Terrible bout with pancreatic cancer. “I grieved her passing. As if

She’d murdered me our wedding night.”  That bard’s accustomed


Harshness ebbed to gestures of a mild professor, celibate, and she

His Shirley? somehow Danaid weeping strands into marble block.


Jean Escoula for Rodin sculpted 1 [50] wives, somehow removed

Ron’s cruelest weight, a struggle to get it right, the 49 of 49, sons


Of a brother smothered by her being.  As there being no time to

Properly ruminate, I emerged from attic cot to the designated jug.


An old man in his parallel exigency pissed fiercely into it and set it

 Again on the floor. That much I had lost, sad to reiterate no more.



Torment of ripe age? Cataracts alone produce a fiendish assault

Of parallel beauty. Loveliness renders more than duty. To loom


In bleeding haze against slashing arc 1923, Giverny and Monet’s

Willful vision.  Construct at labor cost all impetus at ripping fog


From eyes, to seize the size, receive a cataleptic seizure, endure

At leisure the usual pleasure jagged, felt, a thirst, a jaguar’s pelt,


The flagrant claws, the limbs teeth jaws, a welt of heartache in a

Blur of blossom, penetrated structure fictive, contradictive, that


Ache is blessing, turmoil indulgent in the warp it’s stressing, odd

Chatter, wail that tale entails, an ancient’s final reach, bold death


Impeached. All Nature conflagrates endures. From seek to treat

 Syphilitic sore faction traction transom ransom spirochete spore.



Copernicus would stab his eyes for murdering the massive.  For

Steeple’s mute, minuscule against sky’s rage or torment’s passive.


Even the shaded hills relent a quiet turmoil.  Earth boils in pain

And Lucifer endures. We witness simply spores. Yet larger than


All beatific suasion. Universe a curse?  Or covets our Vincent’s

Deluge in the vaster cradle cupping Gott.  Is what we’ve GOT?


What one mad soul has sniffed and caught, a Cherubim a fever.

Let Hawkings rot forever?  This virus in the very heart of pain.


Shall wield and wield again.  The very strain is darkly vivid. All

Host responds.  Jehovah’s livid.  Where has this impudent goat


Derived its being? ALL marvel at the scope of what it’s seeing!

Such odd ambition captures mother Night. Veins leak the sight!



Umbilicus would shout what death’s about, for childlike, fetal all

But large expressive hands demands a fearful bloody surge, even


To mascara, rouge, a painted tragic slut under black quilt’s wrinkle,

Orbit.  Ach mother’s demise nears finite in the massively welted


Shudder. Tri-fingered hand would predicate distant comfort but

Shrieks itself toward some untimely stab, cessation.  Egon gives


Brutal lapse a secular Madonna nuzzling cancroid crèche. Cheek

Seeps toward darling terror.  All infancy’s an error. Worm spits


A masticated fury. This passive passion’s furry.  Tentacled decay

Shall have its say: “Tread here with caution; this womb laments!


God smothers infants in their alabaster tents; world moans and

Discord’s chord intones; all poem is truly eaten!” Cursed Eden?



Step inside you find him. See it wholly’s murdering measure, the

Death of massive.  Soak in brown in blue in green.  All implodes


The stack.  Stack attacks.  At the very end of these, sliced crooks

Of his arms, wielding Gillette, careful of his fingers.  An MD had


Him reach no higher than “his waist” all balance of its living but a

Waste, all art confined to posters pretty for the masses.  He’d Id!


Deify their asses?  Coronate the small?  When large was all!  Had

A dabbler for Schwager turned them into installation, 30 chips of


Dung no larger than a rhino’s tongue, most moist most fitly tame

As if all zeros summed the error of a Master’s psychic terror OR


Rothko indeed himself just shy of PhD, cunning as ordure, all in

Culpable order, no blue just blots “Forget me” without the NOTS.



The guy that did this was in pretty rough shape.  In fact, if story

Has it, 2 poachers worked upon what ended in Australia. Where


 It rests content despite the misery in its birthing.  A Jackson that

Whelped its final completion was wild man, died so. It wasn’t yet


Winter and the Cadillac was of beauty, one of which went to her

Untimely death. [I’ll catch my breath.] I count 8 lovely, blue-black


Poles from the board he marked it with in an instant of supreme

Sanity.  He had been filmed at it years prior in his vanity. Tangle


Of labyrinths litter the glitter.  Yellows emerge like script.  There

Are grays and eggshell pastels, quite prominent. He wasn’t merely


Lounging on his fundament. Had I means 10 billion might pry or

Pray it to my attic. All that greatness! And nothing, nothing antic. 



Sweet Gott of mine, what trace of enigmatic chaste confronts 

Odd severed kine?  Docile.  Photogenic. A pliant comfort to


Its lady, rumored Cecilia.  And she a mystery beyond the lesser

Transgressor hand mimics.  3 sculpted transcendent snouts, all


Poignant to the Magdalene she wields, no doubt levels even a

Lisa’s playing field. For which of each’d yield to Master? Awed


Awe odd hand, to heft a brush, and leave scant trace on grace,

Perfection.  A Lass impales, a sacral blush, wields tears, disgrace


Through all that’d summon grandeur toward her impassion’d

Poise.  Ah now at the zenith of her beauty with decades left to


Conquer. Miss Gallerani, the force of genius bent your hand a

A sculpted wound to every source, all witness and his torment.



Saucy wench of lad slew giants? Na ja source-less sunk wood-pits

Eaten out of grief in a boney frame praying hard for pliant.  Slung


From tattered soul, from swollen truant. Admonition surges past

Wrists to fingertips, knotted chest, drape of expressive rag-braced


Solely garment.  Waste shade sucks tears hot as Lear’s for fictive

Cordelia despite a risen Christ?  ‘Tis yet-regret not God or gotten.


Spills from darkest hole a stab of sight no onlooker ‘D bear.  Even

A Yankee edging past who’d had his fun with Donatello’s David.


“BY Christ we dropped this on Nagasaki!  OR dredged IT UP?”

She lacks the beggar’s cup, appeals from no man.  Such widow


Wedded Christ?  Spread comfort to a doomed Messiah?  Heart

Cried? Heart lust?  Fierce pariah? Passerby? A?  Come to Dust!



Here has him ernst, genius toward the close of “Amadeus.”  That

Bio was a whit giddy, but then even Ludwig Ursa Major twinkies


At requisite distance. To properly entomb I’d dig the latter. Even

Elder’s odd approach to inner worm’s a hazard.  Liken his thunder


Mugs a mourning after. What spews after startling glamor? Craven

Crepe? Requiem? Rarified beer-fry? The primal missal reads final


Severe.  Lunging toward geriatric, officially graceless? All honors

Traceless? Even Sebastian knew decline? Recover? Simply hover? 


Boisterous younger lover?  Odder L.B. too strung to get it up era

Of his Solemn Mass, swear it, hear it, even query. Fast track was


Gordian. Fogged by a weary maggot. Chasing Euterpe, Wulfi the

 Spritely? Antonio’d Salieri? Beseeching the fairly? Quetching the slyly.



Tabescent God’s child screams, nay shouts hoarse into void far

Darker than despair.  Some 7 yards of canvas sail rough-ribbed


AS very hands that forced it.  Center a pale youth’s triumphant

Flesh accentuating slack of infant’s diapered groin, near absent


Crease or wrinkle. To left a deity, threatening hag there, here, in

About, painfully conversant with transcendence, a youth’s sheer


Plenitude, a slash.  The latter exudes from blue, if aspic ash, all

Innocent of task, hugely rewarded token caste, a such, a balm.


Meander mender calm, a given. No price is either here or riven;

Gauguin paints stasis swirling against itself.  All Christian notion


 On the stealth. From neural ache to pagan health, remote from

  Parsimonious wealth or venal commons. Greatness summoned.



A vast remove from Zika this paired gestation clearly swollen,

Quaintly bare, gilded ornate cousin, no edge quite given tuft of


Foison-scatter to the latter, her willful cerebration, patter. For

What rough beast could assay past or claim with willful brede


This matter, ladies’ fructose: gourds, pudenda, or lend a trump

Or limp defender, yield caution to devotion, starker struck or


Burnèd 3 beneath the yielding vibrant DEITY a pattern bourn

By usury, the very wealth of either privileged lass, Hope I or II


Caught in a flush of maidenhead, such lithely defined, virginal

At every grace from self-involved or coy [her face].  Just trace


The guarded in her glance as if we violate this solemn rumination,

Defile an ancient motion, brittle the matron shatter the notion.



Just one lush maiden: nay, 6 and counting. Aesthetic cluster has

The choice on fire. Such lust to mate configuration, edge madly


Into wildest anatomic spray. And having the date right, LEAKS

RODIN.  But here the image’s thin. No segment rules as would


The latter’s school. Biographic rapture seeks to capture lyric shift

To myth. One plode explodes to tumble of pudendum; a maker


Bakes her; master chef employs a visual concoction.  Ah Gustav

Where’s your heart?  Afford no means to start?  A place to taste?


We rumble in to Klimt. No ENTRY! A silent sentry guards this

Soil.  All soil has soul!  We harbor infinite conversions, a coil of


Absolute assertions. All is for sale but defines no merchant. No

Wit is certain.  Planck’s constant, Heidegger to Thomas Merton.



Verse the pride of Gordius even H. Bloom couldn’t whack, took

Blades of a steamer bound nowhere past the legend, involved all


Decades seculars’d read though baldly fitful living if not dead, a grief

A bitter blaze, a curious, dipsotic icy affirmation.  Had I space on


Wicked sheets I’d drum doomed pages rubied with grand citation,

Explication thorny as his chaotic final proposition, thumped idly


Crudely soundly, lending larger soul more myth, periphrastically

 Donne-stung, as, despite the greater beast, eloquently purer than


Perplexed, certain of his Hart than of the Gift. Had he truly waxed

Bisexual? Even a pretty end, replete with twinkling cherubs hefting


His corse in silver box, adagios trimmed but birthing, a vertiginous

 Final curtain, iffer sister Whitman wistful if exceeded in the bid for id.



Is it so much the grief of elders, torment in pierced feet, hands?

Or rather the stark virility, the hyper-realistic cadaver, puzzling


Son of Man? Even the folds gathered at groin proclaim this male.

A massive chest? The militancy in coiled toes bicep cheek, raking


Fingers.  The man is starkly dead, scarred soles to countenance, a

Warrior so hardy hardly mild.  Suppliant to oddity a child a quest


Who’d dare this faintly Jesus.  The ribs the belly, nipples shout.  A

Lacerated Psalm’s what he’s about. ‘Tis eloquence this moribund


Messiah?  Viewer seizes fast to such decay?  Macho Bent would

Have its way? Toward odor worm to stain we’d pray: carnal heap


A leak is taken?  The tomb where such resides were torrid horrid,

Itch or tonic!  Mantegna’d whisper wrench, blanch gut, demonic!


David Swartz [D.A. Vid] born in 1939, lives in New Jersey. “David Swartz is a poet who shouts into the Void but who is heard perhaps only by God…” (E. Sokolovsky. “The Great Poet”. “Slovo\Word” #91).




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