

The Gospel of Buonarroti. Canto one0



 “Help me, dearest Lord Jehovah, sense you

Even cramped in the wounded sky.”

for Johanna



    One     Jonah

Three     Serpent

Five     Jeremiah    

 Seven     Light from Darkness    

    Nine     Earth from Waters    


Two    Demonic swine

Four    Magi    

Six     Fig tree   

 Eight    Baptist    

    Ten     Levitation



Yahweh had arranged that a great fish should be there to swallow Jonah; and Jonah remained in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.  From the belly of the fish he prayed to Yahweh, his God. . . . . . . . .  Yahweh spoke to the fish, which then vomited Jonah on to the shore.                                                      Jonah 2:1-11

Jonah, astounding, metaphysician, held us in a convoluted spiral

Shredding the absolute black. Even in his mute palpations, trapped


In the belly of a fish, somehow forecast the undulations of some

Dizzy sextillion suns, a whorl of naked fire, a kiss a searing scar.


It seems or seemed just then in viscous void what fearful bounty

Shivered, quaked at what we were or were to be, Jehovah’s fractious


Progeny, from glutinous foment’s slime past Up [gained upward

Spine, Mankind] and what gave bread and wine to all demonic


Chthonic chronic, stark diffuse in time. Yet Jonah? What comely

Calves are these?  What glossy limpid limbs, confection?  Some


Suchness of his feel? What brainless zeal, what squeal? ‘D wreak

A boundless vengeance on the quiet? Or scab what fruitless riot?



They stood there shouting, “What do you want with us, Son of God?  Have you come here to torture us before the time? . . .  If you cast us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”  And he said to them, “Go then,” and they came out and made for the pigs; and at that the whole herd charged down the cliff into the lake and perished. . . .        Matthew 9:29-33

Shimmer in the quiet sky, pale bleed of blue, some 15 hundred lilac

 Swine, all grease and sweat, stink-ravaged sun and rapt ingestion.


There just there a Christ inclines voiceless in the suck & roar, to

Heal and bring to heel pigs and devils. Demonic shrieks erupt a


 Boundless eructation, the fright sensation, the feel, all squeal as

Beasts turn tail and charge the cliff, snort rattle quake, a bleating


Fury, that Hell itself would shudder, worry all fevered lard cascading

Into SMACK! Just there just then a Demon-Gott’s attack, from


Outer, inner, poised, ALL carnage pig upon the stacks viscera

Impinging on abyss, small matter snout their snout has kissed,


Obscenity of ragged carnal in the motion, surge. Are moments

Into IT: the Christly Mensch has quelled a TORRID horrid fit.



So Moses fashioned a bronze serpent which he put on a standard, and if anyone was bitten by a serpent, he looked at the bronze serpent and lived.

Numbers 21:9

A serpent coils the vertical, but bronze, a sign, a standard &

No threat—just to its left the faithless in their boil, curse,


Shriek, their quest. Where is this snake in God’s immortal

Kingdom? How prefigure Son upon a Cross? Of very self


The saved gaze on in quiet; guilty riot, sheer legacy a spasm

Of pain unending—‘tis such Jehovah’s bending, such those


 Leaks no viper’d heal: for retribution judicates fierce rending

Of the Soul!  They writhe upon the soil, and no amount of


Beauty in their straits redeems obscene, no jutting flank, no

Finery, nor comely garment eases, while right the righteous

Gesture, precurse their truest Son. This been was Him? Or

Cruciform salvation is the norm? & corpus warm. To term!



Having listened to what the king had to say, they set out.  And there in front of them was the star they saw rising; it went forward and halted over the place where the child was.  The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage.  Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Matthew 2:9-12

We found a savior in a shed suffused by soft supernal light, the

Gentle 3 God humbled and as much ourselves, struck dumb; so


Thankful for the sight that presents seemed utterly unequal to the

Child, and 3 together Godlike beings, whose simple garments


Gleamed one Godly glow which tore at eyes and sucked our inner

Strength. What were these? And how adorn with frankincense?


Frail gold and myrrh, all lavish gifts brought humble by the vision.

WHICH was this child, and, further, was its mother? The man


Seemed curiously unmoved, possessor of a studied calm, aloof

From precious gift or balm, content at most to carry on his infant


Son’s odd numinously mission. ALL knew from years to come

 We’d treasure this huge mystery captive mercy in our hearts.



“When you tell this people all these words and they ask you, ‘Why has Yahweh decreed this appalling disaster for us?   What is our crime?  What sin have we committed against Yahweh our God?’ then you are to answer, ‘It is because your ancestors abandoned me—it is Yahweh who speaks—and followed alien gods, and served and worshipped them.  They abandoned me and did not keep my Law.’”

Jeremiah 16:10-11

Jeremiah grims his eloquent hand, devours an outward message

While the left pours pain toward leather leggings. Eloquent the bulk


Of his existence. All soul would trade salvation for a squint a hint,

Of this old man, this bitter prophet. All brain is twined with fury.


Summons in fact despair that all Creation, ceased ignores a feast.

Messiahs come?  And gone?  Where can he suffer fools enough to


Gather some scant few to fruitful living? Our mild Yahweh strives

By this old man’s account, forgiving.  Yet even celestial patience’s


Tried. The best incline toward slumber, odd gambol in the rack of

Pain, scorn Gott as void, recoil, revoke, all genius, hug, a glitter of


Disdain.  Angel of Hell itself, see not this master’s inward, wizened

Homely? That Future’s black? That void’s a lack and grim is lonely!



As he was returning to the city in the early morning, he felt hungry.  Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it and found nothing on it but leaves.  And he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again”; and at that instant the fig tree withered.

Matthew 21:18-20

A tree which bears no fruit cannot deserve to live?  Such is the

Impulse of a being whose script is patently “Forgive?”  Or canon


Is to mystify ALL Law, whose touch would grace both Herod’s

Wench and Baptist’s countenance on a platter, Herod himself or


Helpmate’s daughter? All anger, misogyny or slaughter? “Here IS

My judgment, rest in pain, I’d have my fig; ‘tis JUST, that plain.  Who


Therefore scants shall claim at last what bounty lacks; this curse securely

On its back, ‘tis my attack . . . Just WITHER!” “Whither?  Whether?


All cripples dance, a cancer’s given?  By chance forgiven?” “I’d query,

Query weary, Iscariot that chose for most ‘Miscarry it.’ I’d choose to sleep


The day God pruned our weeds. I’d choose the deeds. Moses gave Ten, we

Lack Eleven.  Judas the Maven?  Barren, afraid, betrayed of Heaven.”



God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  God saw that light was good, and God divided light from darkness.  God called light “day,” and darkness he called “night.”  Evening came and morning came: the first day.

Genesis 1:3-5

A whirling ungodly Gott! Would rip the emerald sky from black,

Shred wind from stars, wrest sun from bleeding pitch, embark on


Wildest even in His manic mind? endeavor. Dear Christ, who was

To be, what fever! There the boundless empyrean waste, there


Sudden be violated into being, there the chastened chased!  What

Rage endured Creator toward such wisdom!  How huge this thrust


To CONCEPT! A deity looms large, wrenching the vast abyss;

We watch from fragile vantage point His motions. Eye gownèd belly


 Of Creator, eye monster rather, madness rapt erupting into forms,

A whole whose birth none could foresee. And loneliness enough?


To thrust such terror, rage to be? How celebrate this violation of

Of His blood that skewed a doomed eternal ripple on the quiet?



Then Jesus appeared: he came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.  John tried to dissuade him.  “It is I who need baptism from you” he said “and yet you come to me!”  But Jesus replied, “Leave it like this for the time being; it is fitting that we should, in this way, do all that righteousness demands.”  At this John gave in to him.

As soon as Jesus was baptized he came up from the water, and suddenly the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him.

Matthew 3:12-16

The Baptist is a fearful sight, from matted crown to jagged fright,

A countenance full scabbed and scarred; the beard spits notions of


Dull twine and shard.  As if he gathered Hell to guard with insect,

Purple weed, that plain, a hand unkempt with hair and stain, intent,


 His garments properly attack, a moth assault on simply black, or coarsely

Cousin gathered sack, against broad bone and wiry frame, excess of


Height that fells the tame, or injured lame who cower under. But lad

He grips NO manner ordure, some 30 years, sleek but soft, WITH


Bearing princely and of regal loft, full cleanly, Noble, with a glance

 That shears, to scar or heal all matter years OR shrugs a lesser wit &


Strength, to drain from fury, pith and length, the Baptist’s grasp—

All in true query of an aged lad, a greater rout, what doubt he had.



God said, “Let there be a vault in the waters to divide the waters in two.”  And so it was.  God made the vault, and it divided the waters above the vault from the waters under the vault.  God called the vault “heaven.”. . . .  God said, “Let the waters under heaven come together into a single mass, and let dry land appear.”

Genesis 1:6-10

God the Father explodes from the brawn of Gott!  Cerebral flash

Is what He’s caught, surge to wrestle water’s utter into Being. Simply


Confront just how He spirals through the Heavens. And there his

Puta! A human-blind Creator summons at the summit, a guttural


Bending burst of sound. Ach hear Him proudly rev immortal engines.

HE is Creator. HE is without limit! HE shall have His way! Such


 Awesome navigation wrests all night from Day, all substance from

 Primordial soup, all trilobite, ALL nucleus, all atom.  In time His


 Adam, for nothing can hinder boundless thirst, exuberance, all riot,

Blunder, texture, tortured fabric of the quiet. Universe itself SO


Riven! God bursts from Gott! This ordered ardor rips at servant

Satan. Curse him? Almighty torsion? Laceration? lesion of His lap.



In the fourth watch of the night he went towards them, walking on the lake, and when the disciples saw him . . . they were terrified. . . .  Jesus called out to them, saying, “Courage!  It is I!  Do not be afraid.”  It was Peter who answered, “Lord,” he said “if it is you let me come to you across the water.”  “Come,” said Jesus.  Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus across the water. . . .

Matthew 14:26-30

The mountain where last we looked was bathed in evening light. But

Storm was here, head-wind and angry clouds that buffeted our skiff,


Fear in itself but not so fearful as that figure on the turbulent waters.

The ghost it seemed of very Christ retired to take a solace to himself


Upon the peak, while kindred souls here rested from their oars; and

Lingering fragments of the mob, the half He’d healed. But there, all


There a solitary guest, a specter against the reddened sky, remote yet

Nearing. “Who’s there?” Cried John? Cried Matthew, Peter, Mark?


“Who’s there?”— WHO mattered less than fury collective as sea itself

Churned dread itself to complement our haste. And thing-like thing


Responded “I the Christ!” Peter himself “Then let me walk to thee!”  Then Son:

“Come.” “Ach Gott, I sink!” A Son of God eased both Men to the skiff.








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