

Looking back and ahead0

Mathematically speaking, one hundred issues of a quarterly publication – must positively be at least 25 years in print. However, our journal is approaching 31 (since 1987). But its actual age is hardly an editorial mistake. No. It reflects determination of the editors, in particular case –  Larisa Shenker. She didn’t care about such things like schedule coordination, subscribers, fees, wages etc. Literature was “uber alles” for her. (By the way, she hated Germans, all of them, Beethoven included.) She had to decide and dictate everything by herself and alone  – that was her inner credo and manifested one. And this journal had a “badge of quality”. As of today,

there is a single surviving publication of this origin and kind in US – “NJ” – the only existing magazine, that has not changed since 1942. (Due to strong censorship it once lost the perfect editor - Alexander Sumerkin.) “S\W” is different. It’s been opened to new waves, names and vagabonds as well as a new cover for every issue. No censors, no boundaries (except, some slang, maybe). Larisa passed away. Starting anew the old stuff, we wrote in 2013:

       «The journal has been coming out in New York for more than twenty-five years. It was begun by Sergei Dovlatov with the friendly support of Joseph Brodsky.

     “Slovo\Word” offers a unique cross-section of literature from around the world. Our authors come from Los Angeles and Vladivostok and points between and allow us to present a broad picture of contemporary letters that transcends movements, countries, and continents. 

  We publish:

- Poetry, prose, drama;

- Articles on history, literature, art, philosophy, religion;

- Memoirs and archival documents;

- Materials concerning the cultural heritage, including painting, music, film and theater;

- Reviews of new books from the U.S. and Europe;

- Interviews with writers and cultural leaders.

   We are especially concerned with problems of emigration, the life of national groups in the diaspora and their unique cultures. “Slovo\Word” is the single “thick” American émigré quarterly, dedicated to the spiritual and religious interests of Jews around the world, and especially the US Jewish community.

We understand the importance and responsibility that the journal’s title suggests, and the Biblical watchword “In the beginning was the Word” defines our approach to the phenomena of life and of literature.»

And that was done. 




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